Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is a hair cuticle and how do you smooth it?

my shampoo says smooth the cuticle for the best results, but what is it??What is a hair cuticle and how do you smooth it?
Each hair on your body grows from a hair follicle, a tiny, saclike hole in your skin. At the bottom of each follicle is a cluster of special cells that reproduce to make new hair cells. The new cells that are produced are added on at the root of the hair, causing the hair to grow longer. The living tissue that makes your hair grow is hidden inside the hair follicle. The shaft, the part of a hair that you see, is made of cells that aren't living anymore. Each hair shaft is made up of two or three layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and sometimes the medulla. The cuticle is the outermost layer. Made of flattened cells that overlap like the tiles on a terra-cotta roof, the cuticle protects the inside of the hair shaft from damage.

Using a rinse of lemon juice or vinegar and water on your hair will cause the cuticle to shrink and therefore appear softer and smoother. Also, if your hair tends to be frizzy, it is probably best to use something to seal the hair, like Frizz Ease Serum, and to allow your hair to dry naturally, rather than blow drying it.What is a hair cuticle and how do you smooth it?
The cuticle is the hair itself, what extends beyond the scalp. The cuticle is not a living tissue. Only the root of the hair is alive. Therefore, the cuticle, or hair, is subject to damage by the elements, styling products, styling tools, and yes even regular brushing or combing. Probably what your shampoo bottle is telling you to do is to smooth the shampoo into your hair by working it gently down the shaft of the hair instead of rubbing it in vigorously at the scalp. Actually, you should do that with any shampoo and conditioner.

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