Thursday, February 11, 2010

Boyfriend dropped a wheelbarrow on his big toe cuticle...?

the day before yesterday and is worried if it will grow back? There is a definite purple line across his cuticle and 95% of the toenail is purple. Can a cuticle be damaged enough to prevent new growth?Boyfriend dropped a wheelbarrow on his big toe cuticle...?
my mother had a similar experience but it usually grows backBoyfriend dropped a wheelbarrow on his big toe cuticle...?
It takes a while for it to grow back - you will have to care for the new growth on a daily basis to prevent it from growing back distorted -
Something like this happened to my sister's toenail. It just kept growing and then after a few months the toenail fell off. I think that's what will happen to his toe. But don't worry, it won't fall off until there is a new nail underneath, so it will be ok.
Yeah he does sound like a bit of a pu$$y. I crushed my finger at work a few months ago, my nail come of straight away. I just put a band aid on and wnet back to work
I closed my thumb in a car door and the whole thing turned purple. What I did was sanitized a pin and pushed it under the side of my nail to let all of the blood out. 2 days after that the entire nail came off, it came out from under my skin. The very tip where your nail begins was soft at first but after a few days it hardened and that became my nail again and it grew back.
it'll grow back, it's just cells that are already dead....
Perhaps it could be damaged enough to not grow back, but unlikely. Probably the toe nail will turn black/purple and fall off, then over time a new one will come in. Happened to me with a fingernail.
More than once I've dropped something (but never anything as heavy as a wheelbarrow) on a toe and each time I'm amazed that the nail does grow back. But it does take time.

In April I started treatment for a fungus that developed under the nails of 2 toes. My podiatrist told me that the fungus often follows nail injuries. You could suggest that your boyfriend apply Tea Tree oil to his nail twice a day to prevent fungus while waiting for the new nail to grow out.
If he was a real man, he woudl not be worried about his ';cuticle.';
in cases like this his toenail will probably fall off soon but it will grow back. Don't worry plenty of my friends have done this and yeah it hurts but you won't have to see a doctor or anything.
I slammed my thumb in a freezer a few years ago the whole tip of it turned purple. Cuticle and all. it grew back, but it took about 2 months.
If it doesn't get infected or a fungus growth in it, it should grow back.

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